10. How to Train Your Dragon: This is such a beautiful animated film, the visuals are stunning, and the music is soaring. Of course being for kids it has it’s fair share of cheesiness, but nonetheless, it pulled me in.
9. Book of Eli: For me this was one of the most important spiritual movies I’ve seen in a long time. The movie is about a guy who’s memorized the whole Bible and is trying to take it to safety. It really made me think and reminded me about how much we take it for granted.
8. Kick Ass: This film was the epitome of awesome comic book movie. It’s hilarious, has a quick, witty script, great acting, insane sequences of violence, and is exactly what the title suggests.
7. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: For those with ADD, this is for you. Every scene has a bazillion visuals, frenetic action, and more sound than your ears can take, but that’s why it’s awesome, and oh so much fun.
6. Toy Story 3: The film that makes grown men cry…for me Toy Story has grown up with me, I saw the first one when I was 6, and now as Andy goes to college and grows up, so do I. For my generation this film signals the end of an era, we’ve come of age, and so has this movie.
5. True Grit: I’ve seen the John Wayne version and this one wins, hands down. Jeff Bridges plays Cogburn so much better than Wayne, cause Bridges can actually act. The best thing about this movie is the actors, Matt Damon, newcomer Hallie Steinfeld, and others. This is up there with O Brother for best Coen Brothers film.
4. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: I was completely blown away by this movie! Especially the acting by the trio, the biggest improvement was Emma Watson who has FINALLY learned to act without moving her eyebrows. I loved how dark and ominous this movie was, a far cry from some of the previous Potter films.
3. Black Swan: This was the most uncomfortable, disturbing movie I’ve seen all year. It’s about a ballerina’s descent into madness as she starts to become her role, and the descent is not pretty. Natalie Portman will for sure take home the Oscar, it was truly haunting. Plus Darren Aronofsky just knows how to make amazing, compelling, yet horrifying movies.
2. Social Network: At first I was leery about seeing a movie about Facebook but I’m glad I did. It was so interesting and compelling to see what people will do to gain fame and how they will stab each other in the back.
1. Inception: Christopher Nolan did it again, he’s made another masterpiece! I can’t really say anything about this, I’m sure you’ve seen it so there really isn’t a point. If you haven’t then watch it now…like right now. Go!
And here are my 5 worst films of 2010:
5. Robin Hood: No this wasn’t poorly made, it just was a tremendous disappointment to me, very dull, and very boring.
4. MacGruber: I love the SNL sketches, but draw it out for 90 minutes and it becomes painfully unfunny.
3. Nightmare on Elm Street
2. Resident Evil: Afterlife: Huge, epic failure. Not that I expected greatness (especially now that it’s in 3-D!), but I did expect it to at least be cool, but nope, not an ounce of cool in this film, just boring clichés and annoying monsters.
1. Grown Ups: I had big hopes that this movie would be funny, being a huge Adam Sandler fan, but it was horribly, horribly, awkwardly, not funny. I laughed maybe twice.
Honorable Mentions go to Karate Kid, Due Date, Tangled, Let Me In, The Town, Iron Man 2, Shutter Island, and Alice in Wonderland. Whew, I’ve seen a lot of movies. Now what are your thoughts? Am I completely off on any of these? Are there any I’ve missed that I MUST SEE?