What I'm about to write may seem hypocritical, being that I am a huge movie buff, but I'm not saying I'm good at this, that I also should change. Ok, hear it goes:
Lately I've been thinking that perhaps we may be too entertained as people. Do you ever find yourself sacrificing time that you should be doing homework to instead play on facebook? Do you ever stay home and watch TV instead of hanging out and cultivating relationships? Do you ever wonder if your brain is wasting away to nothing as we sit in front of a screen showing things that other people have written?
We watch as other people live glorious lives of adventure. As people go through trials and hardships only to come out on the other side unscathed and a better person. We watch as the people on the screen LIVE their lives. Why can't we do this? Why do we have to watch others take risks, make mistakes, and pick themselves back up? We often wish that real life could be as cool as movies or tv. Well, I believe it can be. Only if we decide to stop watching other people live and instead start living ourselves.
Let me ask you; take any movie: In it, are the characters ever shown just laying about watching TV, or playing on the computer all day? No! They're out having adventures. If they are shown doing that, then its to get the point across that that character is either lazy or sad and lonely.
We are spending far to much time in a fake world and not enough making our own stories great. I'm not saying tv or movies are bad! Heck, I LOVE movies. Everyone needs to escape sometimes. I'm just saying that sometimes there is too much of a good thing. I've found lately that I'm not doing certain real life things just so I can laze about and watch someone else's life. I need to change, I need to start making my own story something worth "watching". See, I think God has a hard time using christians who are so conditioned to be entertained. We as christians need to be out in the world, helping others, and witnessing all the splendor of the earth! Not dying in front of a box.
Anything I've ever read from people on their death bed have always said they wished they had spent less time watching tv and more time with family, friends and enjoying life. Perhaps we should start living that way now, and not wait to regret it when we're dying.
So let's start creating our own great "movie". And like any great story you'll need your own call to adventure, the point when you cross the threshold into the unknown, you'll need your own tests, and climax/battle, you'll need to get messy and make mistakes. It won't be easy cutting back on screen time, but I guarentee it will be worth our whiles. Cause through this all we'll come out better people and more useful in God's kingdom, more ready to do his will, and maybe, just maybe, you'll live a story so grand, they'll make a movie about YOU someday, to inspire generations to come to live a great adventure.
Lately I've been thinking that perhaps we may be too entertained as people. Do you ever find yourself sacrificing time that you should be doing homework to instead play on facebook? Do you ever stay home and watch TV instead of hanging out and cultivating relationships? Do you ever wonder if your brain is wasting away to nothing as we sit in front of a screen showing things that other people have written?
We watch as other people live glorious lives of adventure. As people go through trials and hardships only to come out on the other side unscathed and a better person. We watch as the people on the screen LIVE their lives. Why can't we do this? Why do we have to watch others take risks, make mistakes, and pick themselves back up? We often wish that real life could be as cool as movies or tv. Well, I believe it can be. Only if we decide to stop watching other people live and instead start living ourselves.
Let me ask you; take any movie: In it, are the characters ever shown just laying about watching TV, or playing on the computer all day? No! They're out having adventures. If they are shown doing that, then its to get the point across that that character is either lazy or sad and lonely.
We are spending far to much time in a fake world and not enough making our own stories great. I'm not saying tv or movies are bad! Heck, I LOVE movies. Everyone needs to escape sometimes. I'm just saying that sometimes there is too much of a good thing. I've found lately that I'm not doing certain real life things just so I can laze about and watch someone else's life. I need to change, I need to start making my own story something worth "watching". See, I think God has a hard time using christians who are so conditioned to be entertained. We as christians need to be out in the world, helping others, and witnessing all the splendor of the earth! Not dying in front of a box.
Anything I've ever read from people on their death bed have always said they wished they had spent less time watching tv and more time with family, friends and enjoying life. Perhaps we should start living that way now, and not wait to regret it when we're dying.
So let's start creating our own great "movie". And like any great story you'll need your own call to adventure, the point when you cross the threshold into the unknown, you'll need your own tests, and climax/battle, you'll need to get messy and make mistakes. It won't be easy cutting back on screen time, but I guarentee it will be worth our whiles. Cause through this all we'll come out better people and more useful in God's kingdom, more ready to do his will, and maybe, just maybe, you'll live a story so grand, they'll make a movie about YOU someday, to inspire generations to come to live a great adventure.