Monday, October 26, 2009

Getting Used to Things

I apologize for not updating more, I find I'm quite busy, or just don't feel like typing with my two fingers. Yes, I never learned how to correctly type.
Things are going quite well. I'll briefly summerize all I've been up to. Most of the time we've been sitting through endless, boring, mind-numbing, bashing head to wall, power points about things like, Diversity and you!, Why sexual harrasment is wrong, how to swing a hammer, and other things I sometimes find I fall asleep too. (you would too, so don't judge).
Things have been more exciting lately though. We did a service project on Friday where we built a track for a school, planted flowers and trees, and rebuilt things. It would have cost them 80,000, but instead because of our 5 hours of work, and the help of the 8th graders, it only cost 5,000! Also, we got pizza and bagels out of the deal :)
It was nice to finally do some work. I spent a good part of the weekend exploring Denver with new found friends, going up and down the 16th street mall. And saturday night was the annual zombie walk, so there was 100s of people dressed like zombies walking around, and for the small price of a duct tape X, you could be "eaten"! BY ZOMBIES!
Abigail and I also got to try out this church called Bloom sunday night! It was so much like Hopevale, and so very refreshing to be around fellow believers and followers of Christ. We also had some fun times on the Rail. Don't ever buy a discounted ticket cause a rail police will get you for it, rip up your ticket and make you buy another. And if traveling late, you will run into a drunk father of four kids who we just happened to report to the rail police. Good times, gooooood times.
I must say, every day is certainly a new adventure. I got to see and hang out with sarah tonight too! Always refreshing to talk to family. And tomorrow we're going to work at the Rocky Mountain Food Bank, and I'm very excited!
Overall, things are well, though I do sometimes long for training to be over. I miss family, home, and friends, but I always keep in mind that God is here, comforting me, and that I shall return home soon. Time will fly and I have to make the most of my Americorps phase of life.

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