I have written a note on Facebook blog about being a gentleman and what that means. I would like anyone's thoughts or suggestions on it. Or even criticism.
This is a blog about life....musings about life...thoughts on life...ideas about life...basically life. So grab an ice tea with 2 lemons and sit back and enjoy...maybe you'll learn something...but probably not.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Why I Left Americorps
This is probably coming as a surprise to you all, and I don't expect most of you to understand my reasoning. From reading my blogs it looks like I was having the time of my life, and I was, So I shall try my best to explain.
From day one I was in personal termoil over being there, I was homesick mostly at first, but I knew I would get over it. And I did. But as time went on I discovered more of what Americorps was about and after much prayer I eventually decided my time was up here. I gave it three weeks and I felt peaceful about leaving. Here are the reasons in no particular order:
(1) I hate dorm life. I am a person who very much enjoys my alone time, and there was none of that. I was with people literally 24/7. And I got used to that, but I wasn't getting used to how open everyone was about doing drugs all the time, and drinking every night. Yes, that is what many people call "real life", I call it an alternate universe where adults refuse to grow up.
(2) While many of the things Americorps is doing very good, I started feeling differantly, and this is one of my main reasons. Think about it, Americorps is going out and doing service, fixing houses and whatnot, which is all well and good. But these are material things, and we're not allowed to talk about God while in uniform. So yes, we are fixing things that matter on earth, but in the long run, have no eternal value. That is why organizations like Samaritan's Purse are so great, they are doing many of the same things Americorps does, but doing it under the name of God, and sharing his love. Americorps can not. Also, mentoring kids is another thing we could end up doing, and under no circumstances do most of these kids have any right to mentor a kid. I should have thought this all through before, but alas I did not. Also, if you think about it, we, as the government are making people even more dependant on the government by helping them out. Yes, it's good, but people are not independant anymore, we're also taking jobs away from the builders and others in the gulf who would LOVE to rebuild a house.
(3) I missed home, and my church family. No getting around that.
(4) Every morning I would wake up and think, "Why am I here? Really?" I prayed so very much and read the bible, and I truly felt like I was not meant to stick this out. I know that could be used as a cop out, but it's true.
All this being said, the three weeks were not wasted, not in the least. Because I was so far from my church support, family and friends, I relied on God's comfort and guidance more than ever. I feel closer to God, and more open to His leading now than ever before. That wouldn't have happened had I stayed home. I also learned a lot about myself. I learned a lot about others. I learned how to live in a community albeit only for 3 weeks. I met so many cool people. I got to spend tons of time with Sarah. I got to go on so many adventures I NEVER would have experianced. Like; Star Wars in Concert, Nuggets games, bouldering, rock climbing, eating at awesome new places, getting lost multiple times in Denver and always finding our way, experiancing the zombie walk, seeing Sarah in Rent...twice, packing boxes at the food bank with One Republic, making a running track at a school, hiking tall mountains in Red Rock, playing guitar and singing with other people (not just by myself), went to an awesome new church, driving a 16 passenger van down a mountain...and living, going to a hookah bar, and so many more experiances I'll never forget. All because I was here.
I know you're thinking, "But you could've had so many more adventures!" And that's true, I don't doubt it. But this just wasn't for me, I didn't feel a peace about it. I know for a fact though, it's where I was supposed to be for those 3 weeks, I feel changed, and renewed, and ready for the future. Yes, I quit, and no, this isn't a sign of things to come hehe.
Doing this also showed me I really want to serve, serve God, by serving others under His name. I plan on working with Operation Christmas Child when I return home, hopefully going to South Carolina to send off the shoe boxes, going to the Dominican Republic again next July, and hopefully working more with Samaritan's Purse. I discovered I have a heart to serve, but not under the name of the government. I will be going back to Delta, and finding a new, better job. No more coffee shop for me. I will also be taking the train home, so I will have time to reflect on my time here.
Overall, I had a great experiance. I will never forget these three weeks. I know you won't understand, believe me it was a hard decision. I don't even fully understand, but this is where I feel God is leading me now, back to Saginaw. And who am I to say no? If I see you in person and you want to try and understand better, I will try and explain better, but I can't make promises. :)
From day one I was in personal termoil over being there, I was homesick mostly at first, but I knew I would get over it. And I did. But as time went on I discovered more of what Americorps was about and after much prayer I eventually decided my time was up here. I gave it three weeks and I felt peaceful about leaving. Here are the reasons in no particular order:
(1) I hate dorm life. I am a person who very much enjoys my alone time, and there was none of that. I was with people literally 24/7. And I got used to that, but I wasn't getting used to how open everyone was about doing drugs all the time, and drinking every night. Yes, that is what many people call "real life", I call it an alternate universe where adults refuse to grow up.
(2) While many of the things Americorps is doing very good, I started feeling differantly, and this is one of my main reasons. Think about it, Americorps is going out and doing service, fixing houses and whatnot, which is all well and good. But these are material things, and we're not allowed to talk about God while in uniform. So yes, we are fixing things that matter on earth, but in the long run, have no eternal value. That is why organizations like Samaritan's Purse are so great, they are doing many of the same things Americorps does, but doing it under the name of God, and sharing his love. Americorps can not. Also, mentoring kids is another thing we could end up doing, and under no circumstances do most of these kids have any right to mentor a kid. I should have thought this all through before, but alas I did not. Also, if you think about it, we, as the government are making people even more dependant on the government by helping them out. Yes, it's good, but people are not independant anymore, we're also taking jobs away from the builders and others in the gulf who would LOVE to rebuild a house.
(3) I missed home, and my church family. No getting around that.
(4) Every morning I would wake up and think, "Why am I here? Really?" I prayed so very much and read the bible, and I truly felt like I was not meant to stick this out. I know that could be used as a cop out, but it's true.
All this being said, the three weeks were not wasted, not in the least. Because I was so far from my church support, family and friends, I relied on God's comfort and guidance more than ever. I feel closer to God, and more open to His leading now than ever before. That wouldn't have happened had I stayed home. I also learned a lot about myself. I learned a lot about others. I learned how to live in a community albeit only for 3 weeks. I met so many cool people. I got to spend tons of time with Sarah. I got to go on so many adventures I NEVER would have experianced. Like; Star Wars in Concert, Nuggets games, bouldering, rock climbing, eating at awesome new places, getting lost multiple times in Denver and always finding our way, experiancing the zombie walk, seeing Sarah in Rent...twice, packing boxes at the food bank with One Republic, making a running track at a school, hiking tall mountains in Red Rock, playing guitar and singing with other people (not just by myself), went to an awesome new church, driving a 16 passenger van down a mountain...and living, going to a hookah bar, and so many more experiances I'll never forget. All because I was here.
I know you're thinking, "But you could've had so many more adventures!" And that's true, I don't doubt it. But this just wasn't for me, I didn't feel a peace about it. I know for a fact though, it's where I was supposed to be for those 3 weeks, I feel changed, and renewed, and ready for the future. Yes, I quit, and no, this isn't a sign of things to come hehe.
Doing this also showed me I really want to serve, serve God, by serving others under His name. I plan on working with Operation Christmas Child when I return home, hopefully going to South Carolina to send off the shoe boxes, going to the Dominican Republic again next July, and hopefully working more with Samaritan's Purse. I discovered I have a heart to serve, but not under the name of the government. I will be going back to Delta, and finding a new, better job. No more coffee shop for me. I will also be taking the train home, so I will have time to reflect on my time here.
Overall, I had a great experiance. I will never forget these three weeks. I know you won't understand, believe me it was a hard decision. I don't even fully understand, but this is where I feel God is leading me now, back to Saginaw. And who am I to say no? If I see you in person and you want to try and understand better, I will try and explain better, but I can't make promises. :)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Weekend of Fun and Awesomeness
This whole week has seemed very unlike the other Americorps weeks because we've had so much time off! Being that apparentely Halloween is a federal holiday now, we had the whole weekend off. So I went to spend the weekend with Sarah!
Before leaving late Friday night our whole unit got to a huge indoor rock climbing and bouldering place. It was so awesome! And for those who don't know bouldering is basically leaping from rock to rock without a harness, and when you fall you fall into a nice cushy mat. I personally preferred that to rock climbing, it was a challenge to overcome!
That night was a campus wide Halloween party. Picture this; a small dance floor room loaded with 200 people, with strobe lights, disco lights, extremely loud techno music, halloween decor and lights, and a root beer keg, and you have a pumping halloween party.
I then spent the night with Sarah, and was so glad to be able to sleep in an "actual" bed, take a shower in something that wasn't slimy and grimy, and sleep in (in Sarah's apartment morning doesn't start till noon). It was also so nice to have they're puppy, Pugsy, snuggling with us, it reminded me of Snowball.
Sarah and I then spent the afternoon eating colorado style pizza, walking around beautiful downtown fort collins, and ending with eating cookies overlooking the Horsetooth resevoir. That night Drew cooked a home cooked meal which to me was heaven after so much cafeteria food. And we then preceded to be the coolest kids around and....watch scary movies! whoo!
I am now chilling on Sarah's couch watching the Jetson's while typing this, waiting to head to see Sarah in Rent again. Tonight we get to see the Nuggets! What an adventurous weekend, relaxing to! It was nice to get a weekend break from dorm life.
Even though its almost been three weeks now, I still miss home almost as much as the first week. I'm having so much fun, but its true what they say, home is where the heart is. I can't wait to return!
While listening to a sermon this morning by Todd Nighswonger from Cornerstone he was talking about doing God's will every moment of every day, and he said this thoughtprovoking statement: "When God says to you jump, your response should be, how high?"
Before leaving late Friday night our whole unit got to a huge indoor rock climbing and bouldering place. It was so awesome! And for those who don't know bouldering is basically leaping from rock to rock without a harness, and when you fall you fall into a nice cushy mat. I personally preferred that to rock climbing, it was a challenge to overcome!
That night was a campus wide Halloween party. Picture this; a small dance floor room loaded with 200 people, with strobe lights, disco lights, extremely loud techno music, halloween decor and lights, and a root beer keg, and you have a pumping halloween party.
I then spent the night with Sarah, and was so glad to be able to sleep in an "actual" bed, take a shower in something that wasn't slimy and grimy, and sleep in (in Sarah's apartment morning doesn't start till noon). It was also so nice to have they're puppy, Pugsy, snuggling with us, it reminded me of Snowball.
Sarah and I then spent the afternoon eating colorado style pizza, walking around beautiful downtown fort collins, and ending with eating cookies overlooking the Horsetooth resevoir. That night Drew cooked a home cooked meal which to me was heaven after so much cafeteria food. And we then preceded to be the coolest kids around and....watch scary movies! whoo!
I am now chilling on Sarah's couch watching the Jetson's while typing this, waiting to head to see Sarah in Rent again. Tonight we get to see the Nuggets! What an adventurous weekend, relaxing to! It was nice to get a weekend break from dorm life.
Even though its almost been three weeks now, I still miss home almost as much as the first week. I'm having so much fun, but its true what they say, home is where the heart is. I can't wait to return!
While listening to a sermon this morning by Todd Nighswonger from Cornerstone he was talking about doing God's will every moment of every day, and he said this thoughtprovoking statement: "When God says to you jump, your response should be, how high?"
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Snow for Halloween?
Yes sirree! We have snow here in Denver, and not just a light dusting, it's about 14 inches! SNOW DAY!!! I must say, it is positively beautiful out here with the snow, basically a winter wonderland. Because of all the snow our classes were canceled the last 2 days resulting in much free time, and sleep catch up.
Before I go into these last two days, let me tell you about tuesday. We went to the Rocky Mountain Food Bank to help pack boxes full of food. Upon arriving we learned that One Republic (a band famous two years ago, and no one really cares about anymore) was coming to help us out! And wait, it gets better! The film crew for Biggest Loser were coming to film them and us. We were on our second ever project and already the publicity is roaring. Of course, the band only worked for 30 minutes, but hey, it was fun! At the end of the day they said our team of 15 packers packed 2000 boxes of food, and they only expected us to do 1000. We Americorps workers are HARDCORE! Whoo!
These past two snow days though have been a bit rough on me, because we had a large amount of free time with not a lot to do, I started getting very homesick, and just about came home. It was the accumalation of many feelings at once. Like feeling like I'm totally cut off from reality( and glenn beck), hating dorm life, feeling like I'm the only person who's differant because of being a christian (even though thats not true), and just plain homesickness. But, crisis averted, and I'm here to stay! :) I feel like I have a job to do here, a job of being a light in a very very dark place.
And to save me from my endless boredom, today we tried out a hookah bar. It was a total new experiance for me, and I can't say I like pineapple flavored or juicy fruit tobacco. No fruity stuff for this real man! Ar ar ar!
I also bought a coffee maker for my room, so now people don't have to completely avoid me in the morning. I shall be the cheeriest person on campus, and thats a fact!
Before I go into these last two days, let me tell you about tuesday. We went to the Rocky Mountain Food Bank to help pack boxes full of food. Upon arriving we learned that One Republic (a band famous two years ago, and no one really cares about anymore) was coming to help us out! And wait, it gets better! The film crew for Biggest Loser were coming to film them and us. We were on our second ever project and already the publicity is roaring. Of course, the band only worked for 30 minutes, but hey, it was fun! At the end of the day they said our team of 15 packers packed 2000 boxes of food, and they only expected us to do 1000. We Americorps workers are HARDCORE! Whoo!
These past two snow days though have been a bit rough on me, because we had a large amount of free time with not a lot to do, I started getting very homesick, and just about came home. It was the accumalation of many feelings at once. Like feeling like I'm totally cut off from reality( and glenn beck), hating dorm life, feeling like I'm the only person who's differant because of being a christian (even though thats not true), and just plain homesickness. But, crisis averted, and I'm here to stay! :) I feel like I have a job to do here, a job of being a light in a very very dark place.
And to save me from my endless boredom, today we tried out a hookah bar. It was a total new experiance for me, and I can't say I like pineapple flavored or juicy fruit tobacco. No fruity stuff for this real man! Ar ar ar!
I also bought a coffee maker for my room, so now people don't have to completely avoid me in the morning. I shall be the cheeriest person on campus, and thats a fact!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Getting Used to Things
I apologize for not updating more, I find I'm quite busy, or just don't feel like typing with my two fingers. Yes, I never learned how to correctly type.
Things are going quite well. I'll briefly summerize all I've been up to. Most of the time we've been sitting through endless, boring, mind-numbing, bashing head to wall, power points about things like, Diversity and you!, Why sexual harrasment is wrong, how to swing a hammer, and other things I sometimes find I fall asleep too. (you would too, so don't judge).
Things have been more exciting lately though. We did a service project on Friday where we built a track for a school, planted flowers and trees, and rebuilt things. It would have cost them 80,000, but instead because of our 5 hours of work, and the help of the 8th graders, it only cost 5,000! Also, we got pizza and bagels out of the deal :)
It was nice to finally do some work. I spent a good part of the weekend exploring Denver with new found friends, going up and down the 16th street mall. And saturday night was the annual zombie walk, so there was 100s of people dressed like zombies walking around, and for the small price of a duct tape X, you could be "eaten"! BY ZOMBIES!
Abigail and I also got to try out this church called Bloom sunday night! It was so much like Hopevale, and so very refreshing to be around fellow believers and followers of Christ. We also had some fun times on the Rail. Don't ever buy a discounted ticket cause a rail police will get you for it, rip up your ticket and make you buy another. And if traveling late, you will run into a drunk father of four kids who we just happened to report to the rail police. Good times, gooooood times.
I must say, every day is certainly a new adventure. I got to see and hang out with sarah tonight too! Always refreshing to talk to family. And tomorrow we're going to work at the Rocky Mountain Food Bank, and I'm very excited!
Overall, things are well, though I do sometimes long for training to be over. I miss family, home, and friends, but I always keep in mind that God is here, comforting me, and that I shall return home soon. Time will fly and I have to make the most of my Americorps phase of life.
Things are going quite well. I'll briefly summerize all I've been up to. Most of the time we've been sitting through endless, boring, mind-numbing, bashing head to wall, power points about things like, Diversity and you!, Why sexual harrasment is wrong, how to swing a hammer, and other things I sometimes find I fall asleep too. (you would too, so don't judge).
Things have been more exciting lately though. We did a service project on Friday where we built a track for a school, planted flowers and trees, and rebuilt things. It would have cost them 80,000, but instead because of our 5 hours of work, and the help of the 8th graders, it only cost 5,000! Also, we got pizza and bagels out of the deal :)
It was nice to finally do some work. I spent a good part of the weekend exploring Denver with new found friends, going up and down the 16th street mall. And saturday night was the annual zombie walk, so there was 100s of people dressed like zombies walking around, and for the small price of a duct tape X, you could be "eaten"! BY ZOMBIES!
Abigail and I also got to try out this church called Bloom sunday night! It was so much like Hopevale, and so very refreshing to be around fellow believers and followers of Christ. We also had some fun times on the Rail. Don't ever buy a discounted ticket cause a rail police will get you for it, rip up your ticket and make you buy another. And if traveling late, you will run into a drunk father of four kids who we just happened to report to the rail police. Good times, gooooood times.
I must say, every day is certainly a new adventure. I got to see and hang out with sarah tonight too! Always refreshing to talk to family. And tomorrow we're going to work at the Rocky Mountain Food Bank, and I'm very excited!
Overall, things are well, though I do sometimes long for training to be over. I miss family, home, and friends, but I always keep in mind that God is here, comforting me, and that I shall return home soon. Time will fly and I have to make the most of my Americorps phase of life.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Why Did I Wake Up Early??!!
So I got up at the normal time of about 7:15 feeling like crap like I do every morning cause I would love to just sleep allllll day, and come to find out that we didn't need to be to our first class till 9! So I'm killing time by writing this blog update!
I've had quite a bit of fun lately, but not especially doing Americorps things, for now thats been more on the boring side. Like Saturday night some of us went on an adventure to find a movie theater a couple miles away. It should've taken 30 minutes, but instead took 90 minutes, because every time we took a turn there would be a stupid fence, river, or highway in the way. We did eventually find it after walking on some highways and scrambling down some steep concrete hills. But it was very fun, and it was great to spend some quality convo time with people.
Abigail and I then spent sunday with Sarah! And what a great day it was! She picked us up at 10:30 and drove us back to Ft. Collins. We then got a free lunch at The Carosuel Dinner Theater and a free show cause Sarah was in Rent! Free free free! Rent was quite good, it was the first time Abigail and I had ever seen Rent. The kids in the show and Sarah were so good, and their voices were beautiful. The play itself is a tad strange, but oh well.
We got to see Sarah's apartment and her cute pug named Pugsy! What an original name right? She then drove us back to Denver, and as Abigail chilled at a Barnes and Nobles, Sarah again treated me to STAR WARS IN CONCERT!!!! It was the most chill inducing thing I've ever seen! Watching a huge orchestra play Star Wars music, with giant screens playing scenes, and Anthony Daniels himself hosting, was a highlight of my year! You have to experiance this live to fully appreciate Star Wars music! We ended the perfect day with some Hard Rock Cafe. It was so great to spend time with my sis, "a little piece of home."
On the Americorps side of things we've just been doing a lot of training and lessons and having us drive 16 passenger vans up and down mountains. You know, mundane things. :) I was having second thoughts about all this Americorps stuff, but it gets better every day and I become more and more used to it. If you want to see pictures, check out my facebook. It takes many moons to load pics to blogger.
Hope all is well with those not here.
I've had quite a bit of fun lately, but not especially doing Americorps things, for now thats been more on the boring side. Like Saturday night some of us went on an adventure to find a movie theater a couple miles away. It should've taken 30 minutes, but instead took 90 minutes, because every time we took a turn there would be a stupid fence, river, or highway in the way. We did eventually find it after walking on some highways and scrambling down some steep concrete hills. But it was very fun, and it was great to spend some quality convo time with people.
Abigail and I then spent sunday with Sarah! And what a great day it was! She picked us up at 10:30 and drove us back to Ft. Collins. We then got a free lunch at The Carosuel Dinner Theater and a free show cause Sarah was in Rent! Free free free! Rent was quite good, it was the first time Abigail and I had ever seen Rent. The kids in the show and Sarah were so good, and their voices were beautiful. The play itself is a tad strange, but oh well.
We got to see Sarah's apartment and her cute pug named Pugsy! What an original name right? She then drove us back to Denver, and as Abigail chilled at a Barnes and Nobles, Sarah again treated me to STAR WARS IN CONCERT!!!! It was the most chill inducing thing I've ever seen! Watching a huge orchestra play Star Wars music, with giant screens playing scenes, and Anthony Daniels himself hosting, was a highlight of my year! You have to experiance this live to fully appreciate Star Wars music! We ended the perfect day with some Hard Rock Cafe. It was so great to spend time with my sis, "a little piece of home."
On the Americorps side of things we've just been doing a lot of training and lessons and having us drive 16 passenger vans up and down mountains. You know, mundane things. :) I was having second thoughts about all this Americorps stuff, but it gets better every day and I become more and more used to it. If you want to see pictures, check out my facebook. It takes many moons to load pics to blogger.
Hope all is well with those not here.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Americorps..The First Days
I just arrived in Denver on the 14th, and I apologize for not writing earlier, things have been a bit hectic.
So far we've spent the last few days learning the ins and outs of the campus and whats expected of us. Today, we had physicals; it was the best day of my life.....not! It was fun on the way home cause we got lost and ended up seeing lots of Denver. Also, I like being in "government" vehicles. I'm so important! hehe. I also woke up to late and missed breakfast, which means I missed my daily cup of joe which means I got a bad headache! Never again will the coffee be skipped. NEVER!
Everyone here is so nice! Literally everyone! It's a tad overwhelming trying to remember everyone's names. I'm pretty sure I met a hundred people the first day, then met the same hundred people the next day. But I'm starting to remember some names better now.
So far we've spent the last few days learning the ins and outs of the campus and whats expected of us. Today, we had physicals; it was the best day of my life.....not! It was fun on the way home cause we got lost and ended up seeing lots of Denver. Also, I like being in "government" vehicles. I'm so important! hehe. I also woke up to late and missed breakfast, which means I missed my daily cup of joe which means I got a bad headache! Never again will the coffee be skipped. NEVER!
Everyone here is so nice! Literally everyone! It's a tad overwhelming trying to remember everyone's names. I'm pretty sure I met a hundred people the first day, then met the same hundred people the next day. But I'm starting to remember some names better now.
My room is actually a lot nicer than I thought, and my roommate is super nice (pictures below, of my room, not my roommate :) It's very weird for me though being around people literally 24/7, since I'm so used to alone time. But I'm sure I'll eventually get used to it (maybe).
It's so nice having Abigail here though, and Sarah's only 45 minutes away.
It's so nice having Abigail here though, and Sarah's only 45 minutes away.
It's also extremely beautiful here, our campus sits on a hill overlooking Denver and the mountains in the background. It's literally breathtaking. And at night everything is all lit up. It's so serene. Abigail, my new friend Annie, and I played guitar last night overlooking the lit up city under the stars. It was great fun.
Also, the food is actually passable. We had a turkey dinner last night and it was fairly delicious. But even that wasn't enough so we walked to Little Ceasars later that night for some late night pizza... mmmmmm.
I don't have much more to say now, tomorrow we're doing a scavenger hunt around downtown denver so we can get aquianted with the city better, and then hiking in some place called Red Rocks. Should be the first really fun day! These past few days have been fun don't get me wrong, its just there's been lots of sitting around listening to lectures.
And here are a few pictures:
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Taking Things for Granted
Upon reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan (which is the best book on christianity ever written other than the bible of course), it made me think about how much we take things for granted sometimes.
Think about this for a second, god gave us this beautiful earth, and yet so often we just pass it by without a second thought. I mean, just stop and think about how beautiful it is, and so complex and intricate! You have things like birds that each have a differant song to seranade us with, differant creatures to marvel at, so many differant types of trees!
Also, the moon! Its this big glowy thing just chilling up in our sky. One inch closer to us and it would smash us to bits, one inch farther and oops, there goes the moon, no more tides, and life ceases to exist. god knew exactly what we needed. and yet we take all this for granted! Don't even get me started on the sun! oh look honey, its that silly little orange ball in the sky again, nothing special about that. without it, we would also cease to exist and freeze to death.
god did all this for a reason, and he made this planet so beautiful, yet we fail to realize this in day to day life. we should be waking up every morning, looking out the window and saying, holy crap! yup, those are the only words to describe it.
there is so much more i could get into about how beautiful and intricate life is, but this'll do for now. stop every now and then and just marvel at god's glorious gift to us.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
We are fakes

Lately I've been noticing a disturbing trend in the way christian people are acting. Most of the christian people I know are acting no better than the "people of the world". Swearing, sexual jokes, putting others down, gossiping, and the like is becoming common. Why is this?
We have one face on at church, "Oh I'm such a good christian person, look at me."
then a complete one-eighty outside of it, " Oh look at me, I'm so cool, look at me swear and say sexual jokes, haha I'm so funny!" WRONG!
What are we doing here people?
We are supposed to be ambassadors of Christ
How does this reflect on Him?
We are acting no better than the world.
I am guilty of this too, I get caught up in "cool" things and totally forsake everything that I stand for and believe in...and this has got to stop.
How are non-believers supposed to pick us out from the rest?
God calls us to be the light to a world of darkness.
And we are certainly not acting that way, or pleasing God.
Please people, lets try, i mean really try, to put behind us all the immature, disgusting jokes, the language, the gossip and slander, the hate, and instead show the world who we really are....
a light
that is all
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Music touches the soul...

Lately I've been listening to lots of worship music, mainly because I'm at a point in my life where I feel myself and my life totally surrendered to God, which is how it should always be. So I've been listening to this music and a particular song that I normally sort of passed right over while singing it in church really hit me. I've never paid attention to the lyrics till now. Its called How Deep the Fathers Love For Us. It is such a beautiful song and i recommend you find it and give it a listen.
How deep the Father's love for us,
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure
Behold the Man upon a cross,
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed I hear my mocing voice,
Call out among the scoffers
It was my sin that helf Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished
I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection
Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom
How deep the Father's love for us,
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure
Behold the Man upon a cross,
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed I hear my mocing voice,
Call out among the scoffers
It was my sin that helf Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished
I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection
Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom
Monday, January 5, 2009
I had my interview with Americorp exactly one week ago, and I have two more weeks to wait.
Waiting has never been so hard....
I want this more than anything I have ever wanted
Think about it, for 10 months you are helping others as God intended, you're seeing his beautiful creation all over the usofa, you're meeting new people who have similar thinking as you, and you're trying and seeing new things
every day!
Does that not sound like heaven to you?
Or at least a slice of it?
Our world is in pain, I want to do my part to make it just a little bit better for those less fortunate. That is what we are here to do as christians.
watch this video, this is one of the most beautiful songs ever written. It's called Angels on the Moon by Thriving Ivory
Waiting has never been so hard....
I want this more than anything I have ever wanted
Think about it, for 10 months you are helping others as God intended, you're seeing his beautiful creation all over the usofa, you're meeting new people who have similar thinking as you, and you're trying and seeing new things
every day!
Does that not sound like heaven to you?
Or at least a slice of it?
Our world is in pain, I want to do my part to make it just a little bit better for those less fortunate. That is what we are here to do as christians.
watch this video, this is one of the most beautiful songs ever written. It's called Angels on the Moon by Thriving Ivory
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